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Corporate Partners


No, Firehorse Services is not a staffing company, nor is FireHorse an employee assistance program. We help employees, contractors, and the companies they work for by handling details online that tend to slow them down. For example:

  • Construction Crews & Office Managers
  • Site foremen
  • HR Managers
  • All use FireHorse to help employees who don’t have a lot of time, administrative ability, or technical skills conduct tasks faster and better than they could on their own

By simply offering FireHorse business cards to your work crews, you greatly increase your chances of retaining good workers and reducing the number of staff failing production standards or missing work.

team of accountants recruiters construction experts staffing

And the best part is that you will not have to:

  • Deal with a staffing agency or employee assistance program with our service
  • Panic when you don’t have enough workers for a new project
  • Help them find directions to work sites, hotels/housing, delivery services, banks, or check cashers
  • Pay for employees to use this service. Employees pay for the services they want.

With over 20 years of experience running successful departments in the technical services, construction, human resources, healthcare, and accounting industries, our team of specialists is ready to help you remain productive and stress-free.

It just doesn't get any better than this!

Click here for examples and FAQs
of how FireHorse works for companies.


