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Frequently Asked Questions for Companies

Is Firehorse Services a staffing company?
No, we are not a staffing company; neither are we an employee assistance program.
We help workers find job openings, but we do we do this to assist craft and industrial workers who are not as quick on a computer to apply for jobs online that they may not otherwise have access to.

What if I do want FireHorse to help fill a position?
When a partnering company does have difficulty with an opening, they simply call FireHorse for a comprehensive updated list of members who have given their permission for their data to be searched on Firehorse Services. We charge companies only a small fraction of the cost that they would pay if they were using a staffing agency or employment firm.

How can FireHorse help companies?
Our team of experts are ready to assist companies with finding workers who are ready and willing to get to work! Our motto is: Work. Or Talk Lip.

How can FireHorse help employees or contract workers?
Our team of experts are ready to assist craft and industrial workers with typing applications online, completing resumes, handling schedules and keeping appointments, paying bills on time, and any finding up to date job postings available to them online.

How does FireHorse impact the bottom-line?
Companies use FireHorse to provide value for employees and contract workers who are not as comfortable with technology, Internet, or speed typing making employees more productive and efficient on the job. And the best part is, the employees pay for the services they use, not their company.

What are some examples of how FireHorse helps companies?
Call FireHorse when you don’t have time to spare in:

  • Setting up for new local or long distance projects getting people to new worksites.
  • Putting packages together that include: maps, directories, and locations of suppliers, service providers, hotels/lodging, and other services at or near the job site.
  • Do taxes, bookkeeping, bill pay, accounting and inventory-related tasks for small businesses or households.
  • Cash employees checks faster and easier.
  • Process direct deposit a bank account.
  • Have a live person set up bill pay automation processes for you
  • Call one person and pay every bill at one time instead of typing in multiple ones yourself and paying extra fees.

Now you can see why many people just prefer to call FireHorse.